Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Extra Post

This month I've been reading a lot about my topic. A vast majority of wildlife mentioned anywhere are birds and raptors. I had no idea what raptors where. I always thought they were just dinosaurs but apparently it extends to birds of prey such as hawks, eagles, and owls. One day I was on the internet doing my thing, when I saw this cool article that reminded me of my topic. So over the course of millions of year, the evolution from dinosaurs to birds was very very gradual. There is no "missing link" at all. But, as soon as the basic bird frame, feathers, hollow bones, bills, and shape, had changed, there was a dramatic burst of diversity. Once the basic bird came around it kind of just triggered a huge split into different kinds of birds; the little colorful ones to huge dark ones and every bird in between. I thought that was a very interesting part of my month. before, I used to not really take birds into consideration. They're everywhere and very common. After reading the article, you realize why there are so many new bird species being discovered, because they're still booming! There are flocks of parrots around La Puente, probably someone's escaped pet's family, but they don't quite look like the parrots that you'd find in the places that they are actually supposed to be in. They look westernized which is probably because they're adapting quickly. There are these birds around my apartments next to Galster park in West Covina. They look like the regular brown birds we see everywhere except, that's what they used to look like. When we moved here two years ago, they all had brown coloring but they had blue patched of feathers. But now when you look at them, they are all completely blue with small orange patches on their lower chests. This article explains everything!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

  1. I think I can take a class somewhere. I don't know how I'll get there, but  it's happening somehow.
  2. I can take pictures in the class. Maybe of the slideshow or activities we might do.
  3. Class is for learning and I haven't learned anything yet. A class will help.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Blog 6: Second Interview Preparation

  1. I do not have a mentor yet. I'm waiting on the ok.
  2. How long have you been working in the field? What school(s) did you go to to get the degrees required? How long did it take you to become a wildlife rehabilitator? What made you want to become a wildlife rehabilitator? Did you want to be something else before this career choice, what was it? Do you find your work satisfactory?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog 5: Mentorship Reflection

  1. Looking for a mentor is horrible. I can not drive. I am not allowed to do so many things, I live in a cave. I had a mentor but I do not even think I can go back because it is too far and I have no way of getting there. I am trying to look for mentors but they are all too far away. Looking for a mentor makes me feel like I failed already. This is stressful.
  2. The most helpful information I have read so far is WHAT IS WILDLIFE REHABILITATION? Facts and Myths by the New York State Wildlife Rehabilitation Council. All articles I have come across so far have been the same, like they plagiarized off of each other. This article is still explaining wildlife rehabilitation but at another angle. the easiest way define something is to first define what it is not, and that is what this article does.