What is the most important element to go into a memorable digital photograph?
I don't know how the order of the answers work, so just in case I'd like to change my second answer of form to my third answer, and insert "an easily recognizable object" as my second answer. I already did a blog for form so in its place right now I will give my reasons for why the subject matters. I am also still trying to figure out if I should say "easily recognizable" or just "recognizable", I'm still working out the wording.
One of the most important elements to go into a memorable digital photograph is allowing an easily recognizable object to be the subject of the picture (see what I mean by wording, I'll get to figuring that out so it runs smoother).
I do not have many examples for this because they are kind of hard for me to explain. I started doing research on memory, and although photography is where I am at right now, the science of memory is not my forte. It is in short, hard for my to transfer memory terms into photography terms. I will try though.
The experiments that took place in the memory research lab in MIT was conducted mainly with graphs. They would show a set of forty-eight different graphs and have people rank them from most memorable to least and when they ran out of graphs to remember, they would show them the other graphs they missed and start all over again. My first answer, color, is what they found to be most memorable. My second answer, a recognizable object, it what they found to be triggering memory next.
The graphs with pictures, like a soccer referee and dinosaurs, had more impact on people. rather than the graphs with foreign foods and their layers of ingredients.
A recognizable object can affect us at other times too. Like when you are looking at pictures of people you do not know, versus, people you do know. The people you do know will stand out to you more than the strangers. Just walking around at school, we pass by the people we do not know as well, but stop to talk to a friend.
For most people, a red hammer will stand out rather than a green screwdriver. When we are young most of the time the first tool and color we learn is red and hammer.
Multiple Authors. "What Makes a Visualization Memorable?" CVCL. MIT. 1 August 2013. Web. 27 February 2015. <http://cvcl.mit.edu/papers/Borkin_etal_MemorableVisualization_TVCG2013.pdf>
Memory is so very intricate. No one person is the same. What I find more memorable may be completely different to you. But, we all have a common ground. We just need to work towards it.