I, Ester America Gonzalez, affirm that I completed my independent
component which represents 32 1/2 hours of work.
"Ansel Adams A Documentary Film." American
Experience. PBS. Nd. Web. 25 November 2014. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/ansel/index.html>
This is probably the only thing I
looked up, really, for my independent component. The rest is in my WB. I do not
like history, but I like photography. When I find I like a piece of history I
am interested in, I try to engage myself
as much as I can and really take advantage of my interest. I would not know any
history otherwise. Ansel Adams is probably my favorite photographer. he lived
in Northern California. he photographed Yosemite. His photos are stunning, I
have posters. Every photograph has a story and behind that story is a person.
Whether they are trying to convey feeling or an event, it is all different.
Getting a feel for the photographer that took the picture gives you a sense and
feel for as to why they photographed that very picture that very way. It is
quite interesting.
I completed a TON of photographs.
Once I'm on a roll, I don't delete any photos that were taken during that time.
I tried focusing on my use of space, shape, line, form, texture, and color. I
grade pictures during mentorship, so I went back and graded my pictures. Boy oh
boy am I far way from something print worthy! But I did use the six elements in
bad ways and in good ways, probably half and half. But I think the element that
was most important was color and the use of color.
Photography tells a story. Photos can
make people laugh and cry. They are not tangible in a sense of touch, but they
are visual. There is visual strength in everything . Everything makes you feel,
whether it is subconscious or conscious. Everything has a story. I read a quote
from one of my recent WB sources. Street photographer instructor Eric Kim said,
"You can't fake passion. You can't fake love." I do not know
if this impacts any of you, but this hits home for me. Photography is my
passion. I am not good with words and I was never really cared for like a
regular kid would have been. I have had a messed up life and I am not even 18
yet. Two sentences after that he said, "Share
your time, energy, love, insights, hopes, weaknesses, and self-doubts with them." He was talking
about his students. People he just met. People he does not know but he is
willing to open up to them and be blind to who they might be or what they might
do. He is raw. He trusts. He is confident man and it shows in his pictures. There
is something so admirable in his words and in his work. I never was allowed to
express myself. Just knowing that there is someone out there that has these
characteristics, makes me feel safe. I have feelings and I have a voice and I demand
to be allowed to express myself. To express myself in the way I see the world,
through visuals. This is what I find comfortable, this is who I am.
I had a flash drive with all of my pictures, but I live with
people that do not respect my space or my things. So I have no evidence. Do not
bother looking for my Instagram account, it only has one picture. I had no way
to upload my pictures onto my account because the device I use was taken away
for no reason and I only very recently got it back, for no reason again. I'm
telling the truth when I say I did my hours. In fact, I'm missing hours. I went
over thirty hours, I do not know what that means but that's all I needed to
log, really. Hopefully It just makes the grading process faster.
Thank you.
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