What is the most important element to go into a memorable digital photograph?
Color is the most important element to go into a memorable digital photograph because it triggers emotion and draws in the viewer the the scene.
Form is another important element to go into a memorable digital photograph because it makes a subject look like it is in the third dimension rather that being flat, which gives it more presence.
Color has long been believed to be a form of therapy, blues and greens were placed around a person to make them feel calmer and relieve tension. Red in our society now means stop, warning, just no. It's bold and it triggers a memory response in people. White to us can mean something plain, bright, or simple, while in some other cultures it gives a sense of mourning. Color means something different to different people. Color means something different to different people because it is strongly linked to memory.
We have all seen the standard child's drawing on a house. It looks flat, like a sticker. Now add shading, it looks more tangible. That is form. Form is the difference between a circle and a sphere. Form is the difference between a straight on square, and an evident cube.
CHIC SIMPLE. PAINT. Pg 11-23. New York. 1994. Print.
CHIC SIMPLE. PAINT. Pg 24-47. New York. 1994. Print.
Peterson, David. "Visual Design: Using Color in Photography." Tips. Digital Photography Secrets. 21 December 2012. Web. 7 November 2014. <http://www.digital-photo-secrets.com/tip/2815/using-color-in-photography/>
Peterson, David. "Visual Design: Using Form in Photography." Tips. Digital Photography Secrets. 21 December 2012. Web. 23 January 2015. <http://www.digital-photo-secrets.com/tip/2835/visual-design-finding-form-in-photography/>
Peterson, David. "Six Classic Design Elements for Outstanding Photographs." Tips. Digital Photography Secrets. 30 November 2012. Web. 5 December 2014. <http://www.digital-photo-secrets.com/tip/2679/six-classic-design-elements-for-outstanding-photographs/>
Color is linked to emotion. Form is linked to touch. Emotion and touch are the essence of memory.
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